Ambiguous Anabolic: An Analysis of Bodybuilding Supplements in College Gym Culture

Callen Morley


Supplements have been an important aspect of gym culture for decades (Mathews, 2018). While dietary supplements can have negligible negative side effects, bodybuilding supplements have had a continuous problem with containing unapproved ingredients. Even though regulations have been set in place to ban the use of anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS), supplement companies continue to market products that contain these compounds. Rather than attacking the problem at the source, the burden falls on the FDA to ban these products if they are proven to contain AAS aftermarket. This allows for new products to be modified and sold without testing, continuing this cycle. Due to online shopping and social media, these products are easily obtainable and encouraged. As “gym culture” accepts these supplements as healthy, they become normalized without ever undergoing the testing required to achieve their reputation. This normalization leads to unrealistic body images, especially for young males, as this physique is difficult to reach naturally. This paper delves deeper into the appropriate medical, legal, and cultural solutions to reduce both the supply and demand for these unknown ingredients to ultimately create a healthier society, as opposed to what these companies only claim.



Bodybuilding Supplements, College, Health, Regulations, and Culture


Athletics have been an integral part of my life ever since I was young. Being a three-sport athlete in high school was not an easy task, especially when each of those sports were both physically and mentally demanding. Weightlifting was an important aspect to my training and each sport required different approaches. Since the transition from football to wrestling and then wrestling to lacrosse was drastic in terms of weight and conditioning levels, it seemed as if overcoming these challenges required additional assistance. In my later years of high school, my performance in these sports became of the utmost importance. However, as I entered my senior year, I made it a goal to not only become as strong as I could, but also reach 200 pounds (still light for a center). This led me to start taking a bodybuilding supplement known as creatine which is an energy producing supplement that increases water retention while reducing muscle fatigue. Personally, I used creatine to increase my strength and muscle mass. The effects were almost instantaneous and the results in the gym were evident. My consumption of creatine only continued through college as my weightlifting capabilities continued to excel. However, during my junior year I had to undergo a physical with a new physician. To my surprise, my blood pressure was much higher than normal. While I was under the impression creatine was harmless, in reality, the resulting weight gain put me at risk for hypertension (also known as high blood pressure).

In recent discussions centered around college gym culture, a controversial issue has been the consequences of bodybuilding supplement use and the steps to progress a healthier youth. On one hand, some argue the issue lies within the FDA and they should increase the regulations for bodybuilding supplements (Mathews, 2018). From this perspective, bodybuilding supplement manufacturers will no longer be able to sell mislabeled products that are contaminated with anabolic-androgenic steroids – which are illegal. On the other hand, others argue that the issue with bodybuilding supplements is due to their correlation with muscle dysmorphia and the impacts they have on men’s mental health (Morgan, 2008). In the words of John Morgan, “First, you must recognize that you have a problem. Most people taking anabolic steroids fall at this hurdle. They see their steroid abuse as a lifestyle choice, unconnected with illicit drug use” (p. 83).  According to this view, bodybuilding supplement usage is often deemed safe by current gym culture since it falls under this “lifestyle” but in reality, it is a form of addiction. In sum, then, the issue is rooted in the steps that need to be taken to truthfully protect the short-term and long-term health of young adults.

While legal and cultural actions need to be taken, medical attention also needs to be addressed as well. The culture of bodybuilding supplements is harmful from medical, legal, and societal perspectives, shown by the lack of medical professional awareness of their risks, the loopholes in the DSHEA (Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act), as well as prevalence of muscle dysmorphia associated with male college students. Some readers may believe my argument infracts on human rights when it comes to free market capitalism, or that it blows the concerns about bodybuilding supplements out of proportion. Therefore, I will conclude this project by tackling those opposing viewpoints and explaining the faults in these claims.

Bodybuilding Supplement Classifications

Before dissecting this issue further, it is important to identify the differences between dietary supplements and bodybuilding supplements. According to DSHEA, a dietary supplement is defined as a product (other than tobacco) intended to supplement the diet that bears or contains one or more the following dietary ingredients: a vitamin; a mineral; an herb or other botanical; an amino acid; a dietary substance for use by man to supplement the diet by increasing the total dietary intake; or a concentrate, metabolite, constituent, extract, or combination of any ingredient described above (Services, 1994).

On the other hand, bodybuilding supplements are any dietary supplement that may help build muscle mass, increase strength, or reduce recovery time (Meacham, 2022). Examples of bodybuilding supplements include protein powder, creatine, branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), and pre-workout powder. Since these specific supplements are intended for muscle growth, manufacturers have a clear motive to contaminate bodybuilding supplements with traces of anabolic-androgenic steroids to accelerate the muscle building process. By secretly adding steroids, users feel enhanced effects as opposed to other products, resulting in an increased demand.

The distinction is important to be made since dietary supplements include a variety of different minerals such as daily vitamins and natural herbs. While the health regarding these supplements is still up for debate (Hassan, et al., 2020), bodybuilding supplements, especially ones contaminated, have a much stronger ability to contribute to permanent hormonal change (Mathews, 2018). This paper will highlight the current issues specifically with bodybuilding supplements and provide solutions in attempts to resolve these problems.

History of Bodybuilding Supplement Culture

As millennia have past, the interest in male physique has remained. Ancient Greeks used to sculpt magnificent marble giants depicting strong gods and athletes without a sliver of fat on their bodies – such as Hercules and Discobolus. With each abdomen and rib bone chiseled away, it is clear to notice the emphasis on peak masculinity. However, these statues were not unrealistic feats. While weightlifting was not technically a sport in ancient Greece, athletes and soldiers still partook in weightlifting practices such as lifting stones, logs, or even each other (Chrysopoulos, 2023). These practices helped train soldiers for battle by increasing strength and endurance.

It was not until the early 20th century when competitive bodybuilding culture arose with the help of popular names, the largest being Eugene Sandow (Andreasson & Henning, 2022). Initially, European nations, such as Germany and Netherlands, pioneered this movement due to their rising popularity of gymnastics. Then along came Robert Collins “Bob” Hoffman in the 1930’s who began producing supplements and coaching the United States Olympic Weightlifting team. However, the emergence of Muscle Beach in the 1930’s and 40’s truly sparked the takeoff of bodybuilding culture. Outsiders flocked to this prestigious fitness destination on the Santa Monica pier to show off their muscles and strength. Andreasson and Henning (2022) mention, “Here, the beachfront soon became a public space where enthusiasts could gaze at the bodies of contemporary bodybuilding icons, including Steve Reeves” (para. 8). Several decades later, Arnold Schwarzeneggar, the king of bodybuilding, became an icon in the bodybuilding world. During his prime, steroid use grew exponentially and people deemed them as harmless. The Mr. Olympia and Mr. Universe competitions in the 1970’s signified the “peak male physique” and the extreme extents the human body could reach. While legislation was doing its best to keep up with the emergence of these steroids, the use of steroids outside of sports “was not only legal but also somewhat accepted” (para. 13).

Nowadays, not only are Muscle Beach and Mr. Olympia still prevalent, but social media has provided a platform for amateur bodybuilders to expose their accomplishments. No longer is it required of you to become the best of the best to publicize your name. By publicly promoting products, these amateur bodybuilders are receiving sponsors who boost their following on social media, leading to an “influencer” status only strengthening their credibility. These influencers are normalizing extreme bodybuilding supplement usage, leading to an increased demand in youth. As legislation, such as DSHEA, has successfully decreased the accessibility of anabolic-androgenic steroids both in an outside of sport, the creation and appearance of new hormonal supplements have continued to be prevalent in college gym culture in forms of designer steroids (which will be discussed later).

Medical Implications

Primarily, medical professionals need to become more aware of these new supplements due to the increasing supply and modifications from the manufacturers (Mathews, 2018). Since many of these supplements are aimed to bypass current regulations, there are ingredients that are not accurately labeled during sale. While it is difficult for medical professionals to know the hidden ingredients in these supplements, it is still their duty to be aware of their patients’ current health status. Health conditions, such as hypertension, can undergo secondary side effects that relate to weight gain from creatine. Similarly, those who are diabetic should consult with physicians prior to taking BCAA’s due to medication interference (Ambardekar & Stuart, 2022). Not only should medical professionals be aware of the products themselves, but also social media movements and external forces contributing to the desire for these products. A research study that consisted of medical professional volunteers answering a series of questions resulted in 60% of the participants stating social media movements are not often discussed in consults (Sharp, Bilal, Fernando, & Boer, 2023). By promoting medical professionals to become more familiar with the movements surrounding social media, the third step – culture – can also be improved through body positivity.

Furthermore, waiting rooms can feel cold and frightening, and hospitals are also breeding grounds for millions of germs (Bonadonna, Briancesco, & Coccia, 2017). Other than emergencies, patients tend to browse the internet to avoid these infectious diseases lingering around the waiting room. However, medical advice is sometimes forced through social media, even without necessarily desiring the information. These can be in the forms of paid promotions posted by “influencers” whose main job is to influence the public to gain popularity.  With social media influencers becoming one of the most effective marketing approaches (Tyagi, D. Kumar, M. Kumar, & P. Kumar, 2022), medical professionals should use these platforms to educate curious college students on the risks of consuming these products.

Legal Implications

College students are not the most understanding and obedient demographic, and while medical professionals may advise against these products, college students will, inevitably, continue consuming such products. While trying to decrease the initial demand for the product is beneficial, there still needs to be a change in the supply of these products to overcome this issue. The next step would prevent harm even when youth ignore medical professionals’ advice – stricter regulations. Although regulations have been in order, such as the DSHEA banning anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS), there still have been cases where traces of ingredients known as designer steroids have been found (Mathews, 2018). These designer steroids are given their name due to their nature of being artificially “designed” to bypass steroid tests while still providing the benefits of increased testosterone and other steroid side effects. Neilson Mathews mentions the reason for their prevalence in doping tests in unaware athletes, “Determining whether a specific product contains AAS is difficult without chemical analysis…Once the new AAS is identified and reported to the FDA…a new compound emerges in the marketplace to replace it” (p. 22). This loophole where manufacturers place the burden on the FDA creates a continuous cycle of risky products. Rather than the FDA taking a reactive approach by eliminating contaminated products, the FDA should transition to a proactive approach that consists of more rigorous testing prior to market. Furthermore, college students outside of athletics are extremely vulnerable to these products since steroid tests are voluntary. This leads to ignorant individuals consuming these contaminants for a much longer time without knowing the consequences until years later. Even with this being the case, the bodybuilding supplement market has been on an incline (Tricarico, 2023), with specifically the pre-workout ingredient market expected to grow at a compounded growth rate of 8.3% until 2027 (Pre-workout supplements market size: Industry report, 2027, 2019).

Instead of identifying untrustworthy manufacturers, the public perceives both good and bad supplement brands poorly (Traver, 2023). There are several solutions to this problem: require more intense research of the products by the FDA or create a special seal for trustworthy manufacturers to minimize their economic loss and eliminate unethical manufacturers (p. 806). The first option would consist of extensive testing performed by the FDA on the products, similar to drugs. This reshaping of DSHEA would hopefully eliminate contaminated products in all supplements, especially those who claim to have no hormonal effects. However, some argue that this solution is not feasible due to government costs, and a Standardized Federalized Testing Seal should be enacted. This would allow honorable manufacturers to uphold a positive reputation (p. 806). While I concede to Traver’s point that the FDA does not have sufficient funding and the seal will build customer trust (p. 800), I argue a combination of both options because there are enough cases in which contamination occurs that should alarm the FDA to prevent these supplements from reaching market. On the other hand, it is the manufacturers duty to obtain credibility through intense testing and then eventually obtain the seal.

Additionally, the products that have not been verified by the official seal should be more difficult to purchase at stores. Since more stringent testing will most likely lead to verified manufacturers raising prices, unverified products will attempt to undercut this rise to remain in business. To combat this, there should also be stricter regulations when buying unverified products. Similarly to prescription drugs, purchase of these products should require documented professional approval prior to purchase.

Cultural Implications

As the supply and demand for these products diminish from the two prior steps, the stigma of masculinity and “gym culture” playing a role on social media will continue to exist. At quite arguably the largest scale, the Mr. Olympia Competition, bodybuilding supplement usage is undoubtably the norm. Oliver Bateman (2017), journalist for the Virginia Quarterly Review, reports a particular conversation with Chris Bell, former filmmaker, and powerlifting champion, where Bell discusses the reason for the bodybuilders’ attendance at the Mr. Olympia. Bell informs, “Lots of people are here to see their dealers and get what they need. The Olympia is a kind of bodybuilding prom” (p. 63). Bateman concedes to the idea that many of these superhuman-athletes take these drugs to conform to this particular lifestyle due to a sense of culture where individuals learn from one another. Similarly, this same sense of masculine harmony can be found in gymnasiums on college campuses. Although the percentage of intentional steroid users is most likely much less in a university recreational center than Mr. Olympia, the “culture” created by those who do partake in such supplements is far more toxic. Research has shown, adolescents are much more susceptible to peer pressure in regard to substance abuse as well as externalizing behavior (Allen, Porter, & McFarland, 2006). Furthermore, according to Nirja Mistry (2019), “in college going students there is a higher need of social acceptance and hence peers pressurize each other” (p. 63). College students experience negative peer pressure on the greatest scale, and bodybuilding supplements are only contributing to this problem. The desire to “fit in” with the biggest guys in the gym can be tempting, especially when they are your peers. This sense of belonging in a larger group initiates the forming of a culture.

Once the culture is formed, other members may exceed further than the rest creating a jealous and competitive environment. To remain a part of the culture, individuals may consume higher dosages to overcome their “lost masculinity.” This phenomenon is called muscle dysmorphia, a form of body dysmorphia where individuals interpret their bodies as small or weak even though they may be normal or even strong (Foster, Shorter, & Griffiths, 2015). According to Foster, muscle dysmorphia and steroid use have a correlation. Foster claims, “the person with ABI (addiction to body image) may need to increase the levels and intensity of the training or the food restriction to achieve the desired physiological and/or psychological effects… In some circumstances, this may be achieved through the use of psychoactive substances such as AASs or other food-inhibiting drugs” (p. 3) Similarly, John Morgan (2008) in his book The Invisible Man, asserts, “There is also an overlap with steroid abuse, but in most cases the use of steroids seems to stem from the muscle dysmorphia rather than vice versa” (p. 43). While both Foster and Morgan insist muscle dysmorphia leads to steroid abuse, in my opinion, those who take steroids only worsen this addiction. Once these supplements are taken, it is only a matter of time until higher dosages are consumed to achieve an even better physique. This detrimental cycle will not only lead to unknown physical side effects from the ingredients but impact the mental health of the individual as well.  

While anorexia and bulimia are more prevalent among women, muscle dysmorphia is much more prevalent among men (Morgan, 2008). Body image movements such as the #BodyPositive movement, heavily focus on “fat activism” and “body positivity” among females and minorities (Griffin, Bailey, & Lopez, 2022). While movements such as these are warranted, men oftentimes get overlooked on mental health issues related to body positivity. In a similar cultural issue, Mary Adams (1999) proposes the impact tanning beds have had on collegiate women. In her article, The Invisible Burn, Adams observes the environment in tanning salons, “they gazed at the many posters of the extremely tanned which were displayed on practically inch of the wall space…encouraging beginning tanners to continue in their pursuit” (p. 39). In this scenario, women feel welcomed into this “tanning culture” because they are constantly reminded of the beauty they can achieve by partaking in the necessary activities. To become the model on the wall, you need to tan like the model on the wall. This parallels bodybuilding supplement culture as it pertains to the culture of purchasing supplements. In most supplement stores, you are greeted by a strong, extremely fit employee with veins popping from their forehead. He looks like Arnold’s distance relative – he must be doing something right. Aligning the walls, protein sacks are labeled in bold font with strong colors and barrels of pre-workout stacked on top. If the images of tone males on the cover were not enough, the phrases “MEGA” and “PURE” that proceed the given supplement will persuade you. The overall surroundings of these supplement stores scream health and masculinity, luring men into a sense of culture where supplement use is required to belong.


Freedom is a fundamental right within the United States. The choice to consume products with the knowledge of consequences should be given to every individual. Through extensive research, it seemed as if the argument for regulation is one sided. However, some individuals may view my proposed requirement of prescriptions on unsealed products to infringe on their rights to purchase dietary supplements. But restricting the consumption of contaminated supplements is a government duty to provide safety for the general public.

Additionally, supplement manufacturing companies may view this new legislation as an attack on free market capitalism. However, with the proposed solution of a Standardized Federal Testing Seal, companies would be able to sell their products without consumers needing a prescription. This legislation would only increase the desire for manufacturers to undergo required testing to stay in business.

Lastly, other individuals may look towards to long-term market products, such as Weider or Optimum Nutrition, as examples of proven benefits due to their reliability (Krunoslav, 2023). These examples can be a strong argument as to why this concern may be an overreaction since not every company is dishonest or to question if this is really an issue. While some dietary supplements, and bodybuilding supplements, may truly be beneficial for human health, there is still not enough evidence for this to be the case in developed countries like the United States (Hassan, et al., 2020). However, this is undoubtedly an issue since medical professionals, the FDA, and college students are all unaware of the actual ingredients in the products, putting millions of lives at risk.


Smoking is harmful. We were taught smoking causes lung cancer as well as other detrimental side effects. It has become almost abnormal to smoke cigarettes, however, only several decades ago, smoking was a form of social interaction (Gardner, 2013). Smoking brought people together and formed relationships. “Gotta smoke?” was a gateway into a deeper conversation. Not only did it have social benefits, but there were also mental health benefits as well, such as drastically decreasing stress levels (Perski, et al., 2022). Today, at least in the United States, it would be considered rude or arrogant to smoke in another’s “breathing space.” It only took about 20 years for this prevalent task to become taboo and strange. How? Was it because millions of professionals advised them not to? Was it because of tobacco control policies? Or was it because the social stigma of cigarettes made them “uncool”? 

Inversely to tobacco, dietary supplements have been on a steady rise as health awareness has become more popular and more accessible. However, many of these supplements have no proven benefits for individuals in developed countries (Hassan, et al., 2020). While vitamins and natural supplements have been thought to obtain very few side effects, many of these supplements, especially bodybuilding supplements, have not undergone the proper testing and research necessary to be deemed “healthy” (Mathews, 2018). To combat this trend, similar steps that were taken during the prevalence of cigarette smoking need to be taken to resolve this issue.

First, medical professionals need to become more educated with bodybuilding supplements and to utilize social media as a tool to educate college students. Some of these supplements have secondary side effects on patients, depending on the individual. Also, correctly informing these students will not only benefit the students themselves, but their peers who receive this information from word of mouth or through social media. Second, the DSHEA needs to be reformed to increase FDA funding for testing as well as require prescriptions for uncredible products. A Standardized Federal Testing Seal should be enforced to protect honorable manufacturers, while driving out the untrustworthy ones. Companies who continue to market accurate products will remain in business; however, those who do not undergo the proper testing will suffer the consequence of required prescription. Third, muscle dysmorphia and the impact it has on male mental health needs to be more widely recognized. Body positive movements for women are gaining more momentum and men fall astray into the enhanced bodybuilding culture where supplements are the norm. Social media is only reinforcing this issue, so it is our duty as a society to treat bodybuilding supplement usage as a taboo. Implementing these reforms will ultimately lead to a healthier college demographic, as well as generations that follow.


Callen Morley is a recent graduate from the University of Alabama with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. During his time at the university, he served as the President of the Alabama Wrestling Club. Callen recently received his Engineer in Training (EIT) certification in mechanical engineering and is currently employed as a field engineer in the power distribution industry.




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